Posted Sep 15, 2018

The difference between a safety valve and relief valve

Relief valves
When the pressure in the pipeline is higher than the setting pressure of the relief valve, the oil will flow out from the valve, so that the pipeline pressure can be controlled without exceeding a specified value. Thimble type pressure relief valve is to control the compacting force by adjusting the spring length of the valve. When the pressure in the pipeline is over the set value, the spring is compressed reversely, thus the sealing thimble opens and the oil leaks out in which the valve protects the equipment and regulates the system pressure.

Safety valves
In the broad sense, the so-called safety valve includes the safety relief valve. According to the management rules, it is the valve directly installed on the steam boiler or the pressure vessel. The necessary condition is that the valve must be approved by the technical supervision department.
In the narrow sense, it is called the safety valve, or else it is commonly known as the release valve.

The difference between a safety valve and relief valve
The safety valve is similar to the relief valve on the structure and performance. Both of them are to let out the liquid media automatically when the pressure is over the set value to ensure the safety of the production equipment. Because of the essential similarity, people often confuse the safety valve with the relief valve in practical use. In addition, some rules of the production equipment also allow the usage of either of them. Thus the difference between the two is often overlooked. As a result, a lot of  problems appear.

According to the definition elaborated in the first chapter of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code:

The safety valve is a kind of automatic pressure relieve device driven by the static pressure of media in front of the valve. It is characterized by a sudden opening. When the set pressure of the valve is reached, the valve opens almost fully. It is applied in the gas or steam occasions.

The relief valve is also known as the overflow valve. It is a kind of automatic pressure relieve device driven by the static pressure of media in front of the valve. It opens proportionally according to the increasing value in the vessel pressure over the opening force. Hence the opening of the relief valve is not sudden, but gradual if the pressure is increased gradually. It is mainly used in the fluid occasions.

difference between a safety valve and relief valve
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