Posted Jun 21, 2014

Zhangjiakou Promotes Central Heating Project

According to information, the main urban area of Zhangjiakou has carried out central heating project for 5 year. 537 chimneys were overturned. Citizens in about 30,970 thousand square meters of the region have benefited from this project.
Among all cities of Hopeh Province, Zhangjiakou is the last one that put the central heating project into practice. However, so far it has successfully controlled its main air pollution indexes and promoted the city to follow an environment friendly development course. 
Zhangjiakou has closed 394 small boiler rooms, of which 555 boilers were torn down at the same time. First-level heating pipe network has extended to 188 kilometers, and 249 heating station has been built along it. In five years, the popularizing rate of heating in central city area has increased from zero to 87.37%. Preliminary estimates show that, the coal consumption has decreased 187 thousand tons annually after the implement of the heating project. Therefore the ashes and smoke dust also have reduced almost 57 thousand tons and 10 thousand tones respectively. The emission of sulfur dioxide has lowered about 3.7 thousand tons. All these lead to the great improvement of heating conditions in winter. 
It is learned that, Zhangjiakou will expanded 2,900 square meters of heating area on the current base in 2014, including 2,000 thousand square meters of new built area and 900 thousand square meters of original area.
What’s more, the city will invested over 2,000 thousand RMB to realize the inter-connection among heating networks. This project will make sure regular heating all the time in case of break-down or accidents that may take place in some parts. With the inter-connection valves, problems like unreliability and insecurity of independent heating system, and the waste of energy can all be resolved successfully.