Posted Jan 21, 2013

Oneok to build natural gas processing plant in Williston basin

Oneok Partners LP plans to build a 100-MMcfd natural gas processing plant, Garden Creek III, and related infrastructure in eastern McKenzie County, ND, in the Williston basin.

Oneok expects the Garden Creek III gas processing plant, including expansions and upgrades to existing gathering systems and compression. Oneok will build Garden Creek III near its Garden Creek I gas processing plant and the announced 100-MMcfd Garden Creek II gas processing plant. The Garden Creek III project will cost $325-360 million.

The combined natural gas processing capacities of the Garden Creek II and III plants, and Stateline II, will bring Oneok's Williston basin total to 590 MMcfd, including its Garden Creek, Stateline I, and Grasslands plants.

Oneok also will invest $140 million to build a 95-mile NGL pipeline connecting its NGL fractionation and storage in Hutchinson, Kan., to similar facilities in Medford, Okla.
