Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, Egypt

Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company, Egypt

About EGAS:

His Excellency Minister of Petroleum issued a decree in August 2001 to establish “The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS)”, as an entity mandated to focus on the natural gas activities, adapting an effective action plan to organize and diligently handle the activities of the natural gas resources of Egypt to add value to the Egyptian economy.

EGAS is engaged in a wide range of activities, including :

Upstream : Exploration, Drilling and Production of natural gas
Downstream : Processing, Transmission, Distribution of natural gas in the domestic market, and Liquefaction and LNG Marketing.


Develop natural gas business in Egypt to be one of the key natural gas players in the region and worldwide.


Operate with integrity to improve HSE performance and increase the staff & contractors awareness.
Maintain a strategy of innovation and growth.
Continue issuing Bid Round, signing Concession Agreements and applying applications of state of art technology in all Exploration processes.
Increase natural gas proven reserves to meet all obligations that fulfill local market demand and export commitments.
Increase Annual Production to manage Supply Vs Demand requirements.
Create Infrastructure and optimize Facilities Utilization.
Project Management aiming cost optimization and effective schedule.
Maximize applying the Value Added Projects.
Establishing new specialized companies in the area of Drilling, Engineering & Marine vessels.
Expand Egyptian Natural Gas Grid to meet the targeted projects and develop new communities

The Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) is Landee Industries  Pipe, Valves, Flanges, Pipe Fittings Customer in oil and gas segment in Egypt.

